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Topinambur powder – NIC

Natural Inulin Concentrate

# 400237     75 g    
The complex, based on topinambur root components, is aiming at the prevention of diabetes and osteoporosis.

"Natural Inulin Concentrate" is a complex of biologically active substances based on topinambur plant. One of the most essential components of this plant is inulin, which constitutes 20%of its roots.

Another advantage of Inulin lies in its ability to be partially absorbed in the intestine and to act as a dietary fiber. In this respect, firstly inulin reduces absorption of carbohydrates and fats, which is also essential for the diabetes patients; secondly, it binds and excretes cholesterol, heavy metals and other toxic substances developed or penetrated into the intestine. Thirdly, inulin is one of the most effective means for the microbial balance normalization in the intestine.

Another advantage of Inulin lies in its ability to be partially absorbed in the intestine and to act as a dietary fiber. In this respect, firstly inulin reduces absorption of carbohydrates and fats, which is also essential for the diabetes patients; secondly, it binds and excretes cholesterol, heavy metals and other toxic substances developed or penetrated into the intestine. Thirdly, inulin is one of the most effective means for the microbial balance normalization in the intestine.

Finally, Inulin has a great importance for the bone health. Metabolizing within the intestine it creates huge amount of organic acids, which accelerate the process of dietary calcium ionization and therefore increase its absorption efficacy.  At the same time "NIC" is rich in magnesium, silicon, zinc and manganese, which play a great role for the firm bone tissue.

The regular inulin intake allows to lower blood sugar level and to enhance physiological efficiency of insulin.  It facilitates the type 1 and 2 diabetes prevention and results in significant health improvement in patients suffering from these serious deseases. Beside the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, inulin contributes to the cholesterol blood level reduction, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular system diseases.

As a result, regular inulin intake encourages the normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism in patients with obesity, the overweight treatment, as well as restoration of intestinal microflora and reduction of harmful intestinal microorganisms.

Recommended use

Pour 1–2 g of powder (teaspoon) by water, mix and drink in the morning 30 minutes before eating. Take for the prevention care by 2 courses within 20 days, with 10 days break.

Topinambur roots components